Rita Cavaliere Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rita Cavaliere)


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Encadré | Mme Rita Cavaliere - Républicain Lorrain

Nous apprenons le décès de Mme Rita Cavaliere, née Bacco, survenu le 22 février à Thionville, à l'âge de 77 ans.

Creation of a public programme for psychotherapy services

... Collectif pour l'accès à la psychothérapie. For further information: Rita Cavaliere, Coalition for Access to Psychotherapy, T : , info@capqc. ca ...

Dundas West Animal Hospital - help us raise money Race Roster —...

The team, Dundas West Animal Hospital, is raising money for a great cause by participating in Sporting Life 10k - Toronto on May 13, They need your...

Our Thoughts & Prayers are with the family & loved ones of Senor...

... Cavaliere and Gae Siegel; four sisters: Rosa Cottone, Anna Cavaliere, Margaret and Edgar Gutierrez, Rita Cavaliere and Robert O'Brien.
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