Rob Moores Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rob Moores)


(1 - 4 von 15

Boy's message in a bottle sent from Bolton floats just 16 miles to...
Lorenzo Carcione, 11, had dropped the bottle into the River Croal in Eagley Way more than six months ago. It was found 16 miles away, near Trafford Bridge, by...

Bridgepoint to buy Gambro Healthcare | Reuters
— With further investment Gambro can accelerate organic growth as well as further greenfield expansion,” Bridepoint partner Rob Moores said in ... › article

Entwicklung von IT-Software - UK-Leeds
Entwicklung von IT

Cancer survivor says thanks to charities who supported him on his...
SUPPORTING charities that have in turn supported him, Rob Moores of Pyworthy has told his story of how he over came oesophageal cancer, writes Zoë Uglow.
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