Robert Jeremy Zweig Person-Info 

( Ich bin Robert Jeremy Zweig)


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) Weiter Streit um Herausgabe von YouTube-Logfiles | heise online

Im Disput um die Aushändigung von Logfiles der Google-Tochter YouTube an Viacom haben sich die Fronten wieder verhärtet. Während Google darauf besteht, die...

YouTube, Viacom agree to mask viewership data – The Mercury News
In a statement, Viacom spokesman Jeremy Zweig said the YouTube data will spotlight how the Web site “has used copyrighted material to build ...

How Google Beat Viacom in the Landmark YouTube Copyright Case — Again...
Media giant Viacom just can't win -- at least when it comes to the company's long-running, landmark copyright infringement lawsuit against Google's YouTube...

‘Fake News’ billboard pulled down in Times Square
Viacom spokesman Jeremy Zweig confirmed the company had the ad taken down. “Consistent with our standard policy discouraging issue ...
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