Roberto Solari Person-Info 

( Ich bin Roberto Solari)


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Investegate |Imperial Innovations Announcements | Imperial...
Investegate announcements from Imperial Innovations, Innovations leads £6m funding round in Auspherix

Guardian: Scientists work on nasal spray that could stop Covid virus...

Substance has had promising results in ferrets, with hopes it may reduce transmission

'Laddy' work Whatsapp group was so degrading to women it got two men...
The men argue they were wrongfully dismissed for the messages - including one that speculated about the 'muff' of a female colleague.

Paul Wells and Roberto Solari sue ex-firm after being sacked for...
Paul Wells (left) and Roberto Solari (right) are suing their former company, Cathay Investments 2 Ltd, claiming it was wrong for the firm to use messages from a 'lads' WhatsApp group among reasons
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