Rock Center Person-Info 

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(1 - 4 von 24

«Big Bang» dominiert, «Elementary» mäßig -
Mit «The Office» (4,27 Millionen) und «Parks and Recreation» (3,43 Millionen) wurden sechs beziehungsweise vier Prozent Marktanteil gemessen. Das Nachrichtenmagazin «Rock Center» enttäuschte mit drei Prozent in der ...

'Rock Center' Premiere Review: Lessons for Nightly News |
Brian Williams is my favorite network news anchor. That is not to say that I watch him very often on NBC Nightly News. Let's not get crazy here! But I love his...

There’s a 45-foot-high ballerina in Rock Center
The Rockettes are on vacation, but there's another dancer currently kicking up a storm at Rock Center. On Friday, pop-art prince Jeff Koons unveiled his latest public art installation, “Seated Ballerina,” a 45-foot inflatable sculpture at Rockefeller Center Plaza. “She conveys a sense of inner strength and ...

Times Square characters head to Rock Center for the › times-square...
Visitors headed for Times Square have long been bedazzled by thick crowds, bright lights, and a cadre of costumed characters who sidle up to ...
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