Ron Testa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ron Testa)


(1 - 4 von 7

Banned lion put in hiding - UPI Archives
A man who is under court order to get rid of his 3-year-old lion said Thursday the lion will remain hidden until he is sure authorities will not harm or take...

Bay Pines VA police chief steps aside after stormy nine-year tenure
After a tumultuous nine years on the job, the chief of police with the Bay Pines VA Healthcare System is calling it quits, moving to the engineering department...

Did an eco-disaster spawn complex life? | New Scientist
We may have the mother of all mass extinctions to thank for complex marine life, a new analysis of the fossil record suggests

Illuminate | Cleveland Institute of Art College of Art |
View work by Ron Testa '65 in Illuminate - an exhibition at The Center for Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, CO. The show runs Dec. 4 through Jan. 23.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ron Testa
Ronald Testa
Vorname "Ron" (6451)
Name "Testa" (329)
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