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The Yiddish Twain in 'Sholem Aleichem'
[Newsday (subscription)] - Cast: Ruth Wisse, Hillel Halkin, Dan Miron; voices of Peter Riegert, Rachel Dratch, Alan Rosenberg When/Where: Cinema Arts Centre, Huntington, and Malverne Cinema 4 Length: 1:33 The Yiddish Twain in 'Sholem Aleichem' Originally published: July 20

Google News: Civilisation israélienne ? * Gilad Atzmon

[Egalité et Réconciliation] - Dans un interview enregistré, la professeur de Yiddish de l'université de Harvard, Ruth Wisse a condamné la tentative en cours des militants internationaux de voguer vers Gaza en disant que la flottille était "une flottille tueuse-de-Juifs".

Jewish movie reviews: 'Sholom Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness' and 'Romeo ...
[] - Using a trove of photographs, clips from Yiddish films, and unusually thoughtful commentary from scholars and experts such as Columbia's Dan Miron, Harvard's Ruth Wisse, David Roskies from JTS, author Hillel Halkin, and the founder of the National

Ruth-Wisse | National Post
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Vorname "Ruth" (21560)
Name "Wisse" (102)
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