Sabine Frink Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sabine Frink)


(1 - 4 von 18
) Universum voller Planeten | Telepolis

Frisch entdeckter Riesenplanet, der um einen Roten Riesen kreist - Planet discovered orbiting around red giant star - January...
Astronomers announced this week that they spotted the first planet orbiting a giant star, a find that could offer a tantalizing glimpse into the fate of the...

El Universal - Cultura - Descubren planeta alrededor de estrella
Sabine Frink, miembro del equipo que realizó el descubrimiento, habló a EL UNIVERSAL sobre este hallazgo. "Iota Dacronis no es la única ...

SCI/TECH | Planet found circling dying star - BBC News
— "Until now, it was not known if planets existed around giant stars," says Sabine Frink of the University of California, US. › nature
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