Sabine Hake Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sabine Hake)


(1 - 4 von 11
) Germany's Latest Nazi Drama: New 'Jud Süss' Flops as Faustian Tragedy...

Sabine Hake, a cultural and film historian at the University of Texas and author of "German National Cinema," is skeptical about the need to ban ...

Passions and Deceptions : The Early Films of Ernst Lubitsch
In a general introduction to his silent and early sound films ( ) and in close readings of his comedies, Sabine Hake focuses on the visual ... › Pass...

Buchempfehlungen: Aktuelle Sachbücher im September Buchladen...
Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte, insbesondere zur Geschichte Jerusalems und der Kreuzzüge. Verlagsinformation. Sabine Hake: ...

(DIS) UNITY Workshop Series - Sabine Hake - Texas Chair of ...Duke University
— (DIS) UNITY Workshop Series - Sabine Hake - Texas Chair of German Literature and Culture at the University of Texas at Austin.
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