Sabine Hemmer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sabine Hemmer)


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OCRA Stage ( April 2019) · Indico
Participants. Attanasio Candela; Carmelo Evoli; Ivan De Mitri; Massimiliano De Deo; Sabine Hemmer. The agenda of this meeting is empty.

Outreach workshop - day 1 (closed session for AMVA4NewPhysics)...
Speaker: Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)). 14:40 → 15:10. The AMVA4NewPhysics blog¶ 30m. Speaker: Sabine Hemmer.

S. Hemmer - First results from the GERDA experiment (February 21,...
... decay and to the GERDA experiment, this seminar will focus on the measurement of the 2nbb half-life using the first kg•yr of GERDA data. A brief comparison to prior measurements and effects on nuclear matrix element calculations will be presented Sabine Hemmer INFN Padova.

Ein Genie im Schloss Seehof - inFranken
Mar 22, — Veröffentlicht von: Fränkischer Tag. Kommentare. 0; vrweb_player_button_image. Ein Idyll: Schloss Seehof in der Abendsonne. Sabine Hemmer. › bamberg
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