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( Ich bin Said Ait-Alla)


(1 - 4 von 55
) Obama in Berlin: Huge Crowds Left with Mixed Feelings - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Expectations were sky-high for the speech US presidential candidate Barack Obama delivered in Berlin Thursday evening. Enormous crowds welcomed what the...

Fire breaks out at Egyptian Interior Ministry in aftermath of protest...
A fire broke out in the Egyptian Interior Ministry on Tuesday in downtown Cairo following a protest earlier in the day.

Straßburg erhält ersten muslimischen Friedhof Frankreichs -...
In Frankreich gibt es künftig erstmals einen öffentlichen Friedhof ausschließlich für Muslime. Zwar bestehen schon jetzt auf den Gräberfeldern etlicher...

Prime suspect in Barcelona attack spotted strolling away from scene...
This is the suspect at the heart of a Europe-wide manhunt, caught on CCTV moments after the Barcelona attack.
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