Said Besser Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Besser)


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New Weapon in Breast Cancer Battle? Experts Cautious
[ABC News] - Dr. Richard Besser explains the results of a new study. The first study from the Women's Health Initiative found that women who used bisphosphonates had 32

Google News: Jenseits von Tausenundeiner Nacht - kultiversum

[Die Kulturplattform] - Jahrhundert in die arabische Literatur Einzug – zur Zeit des berühmten Kalifen Harun al-Raschid und seines frivolen Hofpoeten Abu Nuwas, von denen viele

Baby Face -- Harvard Experts Hope Facial Recognition Studies Benefit Autism ...
[ABC News] - "As a pediatrician, when I'm with a mother and a young baby I'm looking to see if there's a connection," he said. At Charles Nelson's lab at Children's

Google News: New Habitat homes give Carter Street a makeover

[The Tennessean] - "We're trying to not only upgrade the product that we have for the homeowners but our position in the community," said John Besser, Habitat executive
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