Said Hammoud Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Hammoud)


(1 - 4 von 48

Mich. Arab-American center head mistakenly jailed -
Police in suburban Detroit mistakenly arrested the head of a popular Arab-American cultural center and held him overnight in jail, believing he was a man...

Protests give Harper food for thought - The Globe and Mail
The Globe and Mail offers the most authoritative news in Canada, featuring national and international news

Windsor Mediterranean restaurant slammed on social media for ...
"It wasn't for attention, it was just to bring awareness that we need to be kind to one another," said Hammoud. "There's a way of saying things in ...

HSBC no longer bookrunner on Iraq's Asiacell float - Reuters
HSBC Holdings has ceased to be a bookrunner on Asiacell's planned share sale, raising new questions about the Iraqi telecom operator's ability float 25 percent...
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Person "Hammoud" (1)
Vorname "Said" (3306)
Name "Hammoud" (220)
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