Said König Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said König)


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Backstage at Bernie Sanders' rock star party in Iowa - CNNPolitics
"I see a consistency in him that's rare in most human beings and politicians," said Koenig, who performed acoustic versions of Vampire ...

Missing actor's father: 'I just want to know you're OK' -
Andrew Koenig's father, hoping his missing son just wants to be alone for a while, made an emotional appeal directly to him Wednesday.

Man said ‘Nighty night’ before shooting cop in the face, wounded...
“I didn’t see anything. I felt the impact, heard the round, and I went down,” the officer said.

Astronauts' skin gets thinner in space, scientists say | Reuters
A long-awaited human mission to the Red Planet is still a number of years away, with NASA planning their first manned voyage in the 2030s. But at more than
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