Said Mahmud Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Mahmud)


(1 - 4 von 46

Myanmar: Rohingya not welcome - CNN
"Fifty to 60 people fit into a boat like this," said Mahmud Yacoub, who squatted barefoot clutching a hammer in the skeleton of new wooden ...

Taz: Irans Wächterrat wählt zuerst -

Die meisten reformorientierten Politiker, die bei den iranischen Parlamentswahlen antreten wollen, dürften am Votum des konservativen Gremiums scheitern

Gunmen slay Pakistani activist
KARACHI, Pakistan -- Gunmen on a motorcycle … a prominent women's-rights activist in Pakistan just hours after she held a forum on the country's restive...

Young freelancers show the way | The Daily Star
Young Bangladeshis, fresh out of colleges and universities, are on course to earn about $100 million a year by working freelance from home, industry...
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