Said Masri Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Masri)


(1 - 4 von 45

For many Syrians, the story of the war began with graffiti in Dara'a...
· “Nothing changed,” said Masri, who left Dara'a for Jordan soon after the violence broke out. He arrived in the US three years ago and works part- ...

Israel bars Olympian from leaving Gaza Strip to run a marathon in...
Israel's Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a travel ban on Palestinian runner Nader Masri, 34, who participated in the Olympics in Beijing

Israel prevents Olympic runner from leaving Gaza to participate in...
Israel's high court has upheld a decision by the military to prevent a Gaza Olympian from leaving the coastal strip to participate in a marathon in the West...

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Al-Qaeda leader al-Masri 'dead'
The US says Abu Obaidah al-Masri, reputedly al-Qaeda's mastermind in Afghanistan, has died.
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