Said Sbai Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Sbai)


(1 - 4 von 11

BBC News | AFRICA | Moroccan train crash kills 35
At least 35 people are … and nine seriously injured as a passenger train collides with a trailer carrying farmers in Morocco.

INTERVIEW-Italy MP gets death threats from Muslim radicals | Reuters
Souad Sbai spent years in Italy defending battered women in the Moroccan immigrant community before the death threats started coming.

'Honor Killing' in Italy Spurs Quest for Justice -
— "We want justice for Hina and we ask that her dreams of freedom and her sacrifice should not be forgotten," said Sbai, president of the ... › vaw89

INTERVIEW - Muslim feminist fights for women's rights in Italy |...
They may have hoped for a better life in a rich European country, but many Muslim women migrating to Italy suffer abuse by their husbands and live isolated...
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Vorname "Said" (3306)
Name "Sbai" (60)
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