Salah Abou Person-Info 

( Ich bin Salah Abou)


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Remembering the 'Cinderella' of the Egyptian screen
[Ahram Online] - The first time she believed she had reached a certain degree of maturity was in with her role in El Kahera 30 (Cairo 30) directed by Salah Abou Seif, where she played a woman living in poverty who sold herself to a rich man that controlled her

Shabab imra'a - Film
Shabab imra'a ein Film von Salah Abou Seif mit Shukry Sarhan, Chadia. Entdecke alle Informationen über Shabab imra'a, videos und neuesten Nachrichten.

Salah Abou Seif, mort d'un homme de la rue.Grand maître du réalisme...
Ces dernières années, le monde du cinéma arabe voyait vieillir avec fatalisme Salah Abou Seif. Et pour cause: il n'est guère de festival du cinéma égyptien...

Guardian: Letter: EU must hold Israel to its agreements | World news | The...

Letter: Despite the EU's call for a ceasefire, the brutal Israeli bombing of Gaza continues
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