Samir Mansour Person-Info 

( Ich bin Samir Mansour)


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BBC › news › uk-...Leicester firm helps destroyed Gaza bookshop to reopen
— Samir Mansour: "The day my bookshop was destroyed, I felt alone, but I found that there was great humanity in people to stand by me. "I thank ...

Guardian: The Guardian

— The loss of the Samir Mansour Bookshop was by no means the greatest tragedy in the latest confrontation ...

Arab News
Over $210,000 raised, tens of thousands of books donated via global campaign; Samir Mansour's shop was destroyed in multiple Israeli airstrikes in May.

— Samir Mansour's library in Gaza City was reopened in February after ... GAZA, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Suad al-Mranikh spends at least two hours a ...
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