Saoud Hussam Eddin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Saoud Hussam Eddin)


(1 - 4 von 15

Red Cross delivers first medical aid in a year to Palestinians in...
Syria's ambassador to the U.N. in Geneva, Hussam Eddin Aala, said that the ICRC delivery was "the result of continued cooperation" with ...

Cross Wires: Thursday headlines - SCO News
Mgr Dominique Francois Joseph Mamberti yesterday discussed with Syria's ambassador to the Vatican Hussam Eddin Alla regional developments and the ...

Hussam Eddin Mohammad - WAN-IFRA
Hussam Eddin Mohammad Hussam is a journalist with a career spanning over 25 years of reporting and creative writing. He has worked for leading newspapers, magazines and publishing houses and is well-known as a literature and art critic, column writer and journalist. He has held various senior editorial positions and founded the Al-Wa'I (دار …

Meet the Speakers - WAN-IFRA
A website of WAN-IFRA, World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Saoud Hussam Eddin
Vorname "Hussam" (223)
Name "Eddin" (53)
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