Sara Dinges Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sara Dinges)


(1 - 4 von 11

Ald. Osterman Staffer Sara Dinges Named New Uptown United...
For the past 7 years, Sara Dinges has worked within the Edgewater, Andersonville and Uptown communities to empower and help neighborhood businesses succeed. Now Ms. Dinges is continuing her local mission by being named the new Uptown United President/CEO. Dinges will be leaving her current ...

Alzheimer's Disease — News - Great Lakes Clinical Trials
... an Andersonville business for the day, Steve would choose to switch places with our very own Sara Dinges of the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce staff! › ...

After Careful Vetting Process, Andersonville Chamber Selects New...
Sara Dinges will take the helm of the organization starting May 1, Dinges has had a considerable background in the the areas of economic and community development. Even further, most of that experience has come working with businesses within the Andersonville, Edgewater, and Uptown ...

Women's Basketball - All-Time Roster By
Sara Dinges Rachel Williamson . › custompages › history
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