Sarah Gallagher Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sarah Gallagher)


(1 - 4 von 17
) Himmelskörper-Grundstoff: Schwarzes Loch schleudert Staub ins All -...

Forscher haben im Wind eines supermassiven Schwarzen Lochs Staub entdeckt. Die Beobachtung könnte eine wichtige Frage der Astrophysik beantworten: Wo kommt all...

SARAH GALLAGHER | Bournemouth Echo
GALLAGHER ~ COOK Sarah & Douglas Eddie and Shirley Gallagher are very proud and pleased to announce the Engagement of their daughter Sarah…

How to spot the warning signs of a mini-stroke
As Andrew Marr backs a campaign warning of the dangers of mini-strokes, these are the signs you need to look out for

Walker's beauty spot picture sparks search for dead body - but she's...
A walker’s photograph of a beauty spot in the Lake District sparked a massive police search after the snap appeared to show a dead body in the water
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