School Fees Person-Info 

( Ich bin School Fees)


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This school in Nigeria is collecting plastic bottles in exchange for...
... market in Nigeria's economic capital, Lagos, Oluwaseyi does not earn enough to cover the annual 18,000 naira (around $50) school fees.

Hamilton County Schools leaders propose to eliminate general school...
Ten dollars for English class, $20 for science labs, $5 for social studies, $10 to $60 for sports teams, $50 for graduating seniors, $80 for parking.

State school fees call for parents earning over £80, BBC News
Parents who earn a combined income of more than £80,000 should have to pay if their children go to the most popular state schools, the headmaster of a private...

Guardian: Britain’s private school problem: it’s time to talk | Education | The...

While many agree that private education is at the root of inequality in Britain, open discussion about the issue remains puzzlingly absent. In their new book,...
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Name "Fees" (272)
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