Selene Rivera Person-Info 

( Ich bin Selene Rivera)


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El Universal - DF - Se manifiestan para demandar la destitución de...
Se manifiestan para demandar la destitución de directora escolar. Selene Rivera | El Universal. Sábado 12 de agosto de

GLAAD Media Awards: Full List of Nominees - ABC News
The 27th annual GLAAD Media Awards were announced today and some major stars earned nods for their

El Universal - DF - Trasladan a hospital a 5 heridos de la CNTE
Jonathan García, Adolfo García, Selene Rivera, Joaquín Martínez y Jesús Esperón, resultaron lesionados tras el enfrentamiento de maestros y granaderos en el...

The Many Misadventures of Selene Rivera (feat. Jason and Reyna) -...
A collection of (possibly long) one-shots about Selene, Jason, and Reyna's ( mostly Selene's) life before the former got kicked out Camp Jupiter. Some stories may have been mentioned in Daughter of Neptune. // You're going to have to read my other story "Daughter of Neptune: The Forgotten Hero" to understand this.
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