Senel Karatas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Senel Karatas)

News Turkey's Powerful Prime Minister: Who Can Challenge Erdogan? - DER...

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's AKP expects victory in this Sunday's parliamentary elections -- partly because his opponents are so weak. While...

According senel karatas – Europe Breaking News
Israel's attack on the Syrian Arab Air Force's (SyAAF) Tiyas airbase in Homs province was nothing less than a provocation, Turkish analysts opined, drawing ...

Gulftimes : Erdogan announces army overhaul in latest post-coup...
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan pledged to overhaul the army in response to last week's failed coup, a sign that a newly imposed state of emergency would be...

Türkei - "Die haben einen regelrechten Mob auf uns gehetzt" |...
Seit dem Putschversuch geht die türkische Regierung massiv gegen Verdächtige vor. Am Montag wurden 42 Journalisten verhaftet. Das Satiremagazin
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