Serdar Has Person-Info 

( Ich bin Serdar Has)


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Google News: Arsenal 'want Given or Reina', Tasci begs to join

[First Post] - That is why news that 23-year-old Serdar Tasci has issued a 'come and get me plea' to the Gunners will be music to the ears of regular visitors of the

Stay the night: A'jia Hotel, Istanbul
[Independent] - In 2002, a local businessman named Serdar Bilgili bought the derelict yal and converted it into a small luxury hotel which has since hosted such celebrities

Google News: Nazarbaev faults Europe on Nabucco

[Asia Times Online] with Azerbaijan over the offshore Kyapaz/Serdar deposit that has up until now blocked bilateral cooperation on energy matters between the two countries.

Big Waters District to welcome new superintendent
Pam Serdar and Susan Nienaber share reflections as they prepare to transition into their new roles.
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Vorname "Serdar" (2040)
Name "Has" (2601)
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