Sergio Bernardes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sergio Bernardes)


(1 - 4 von 18

Trajetória de Sergio Bernardes é contada em documentário O Dia -...
Thiago Bernardes, neto do arquiteto, resgata histórias polêmicas do avô

globo: Documentando a vida de Sergio Bernardes - Casa Vogue | Gente

Arquiteto e urbanista brasileiro ganha filme

Guardian: Sérgio Bernardes: the beautiful and the damned | Art and design | The...

Sérgio Bernardes was a star of 60s Brazil, a brilliant architect. And then almost forgotten. His grandson has made a film to discover what happened, writes...

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Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Sergio Bernardes
Vorname "Sergio" (4967)
Name "Bernardes" (81)
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