Shahrzad Amiri Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shahrzad Amiri)


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Los Angeles proposal: Raise carpool threshold to five people
... tricking the electronic monitoring devices into giving them a free ride, said Shahrzad Amiri, Metro executive officer of congestion reduction.

Desvalorização da moeda iraniana trava negócios e irrita população -...
A guia de turismo Shahrzad Amiri, 41, planeja mandar de volta para casa o filho que estuda no Reino Unido. É comum ver iranianos dizerem ...

$179 Million in Transportation Projects Approved - Los Angeles Times
The good news is that commuters, Metrolink riders and bicyclists could benefit from $179 million worth of transportation projects approved Thursday by county...

Ali Zaghari of Caltrans Named TSMO Champion | National...
LA Metro Shahrzad Amiri, Steve Gota and Ed Alegre, City of Los Angeles Dan Michelle, LA County PW, Dean Lehman and Jane White, and so ...
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