Sham Kumar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sham Kumar)


(1 - 4 von 13

Kashmir shelling, spat over Pakistan aid mar run-up to Kerry trip |...
Reports of a $500-million Washington aid package to Pakistan and a period of intense border shelling in Kashmir have overshadowed the run-up to U.S. Secretary...

Schwere Kämpfe zwischen Atommächten Indien und Pakistan - WELT
Schon in drei Kriegen haben der muslimische und der indische Staat um die Bergregion Kaschmir gekämpft. Jetzt sind wieder Tausende Menschen auf der Flucht. Es...

Kashmir: Border fighting causes thousands of civilians to flee from...
Villagers describe the renewed violence as \'war-like\' as India and Pakistan continue on fighting.

Police constable hangs self – News Room Guyana
By Malisa Playter Harry A mother is now devastated after her 18-year-old son was found hanging in his room at around 15:30 hours this afternoon.   Police...
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Person "Kumar" (7)
Vorname "Sham" (109)
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