Shaqir Berisha Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shaqir Berisha)


Agimi-Ilmia-Xhema Deshmorit Shaqir Berisha Action.News ABC...
Autor i këngës; Milaim Mezini ABC Action News WestNet-HD, the home for WestNet Wireless High-Speed Internet customers in Calgary, Alberta & Santa Barbara...

OSZE-Berichte über das "Massaker" verschweigen gefallene UCK › osze-berichte-ueber-das-massaker-verschweigen...
· Ebenso wie der Tod von Shaqir Berisha, Mehmet Mustafa und Enver Rashiti. Alle drei jungen Männer stammen aus Racak. Alle drei wurden am 15.

On 11 May, Serbian authorities in Mitrovica, "informed" Mr. Shaqir Berisha, prin cipal of the primary school in the village of Shipol, that a health clinic and l ocal government office are to be opened on the school premises. In reply to Mr B erisha's protests the authorities stated, "We decide ourselves on these ...
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