Sharon Abbas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sharon Abbas)


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Google News: 10 jaar vredesbesprekingen Midden-Oosten

[] Israëliërs de kwade genius achter de Tweede Intifada, besluit de Israëlische premier Sharon te gaan praten met de opvolger van Arafat, Mahmout Abbas. German Papers: A Cease-Fire, a Handshake and Hope for the Future in...

Editorialists in Germany say Tuesday's summit in Egypt between Arial Sharon and Mahmoud Abbas brings the greatest hope yet that the Middle East peace process... - Palestinians: Sharon, Abbas may meet soon - Jan 29, 2005
A meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and newly elected Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has been tentatively scheduled for...

Sharon, Abbas to meet in February | The Seattle Times
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will meet with new Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas next month in an attempt to end four...
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