Oswald im Yasni Exposé von Sieglinde Hartmann

(769 seit 15.08.2008)



Sieglinde Hartmann

Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Deutsch
Ich biete: oswald von wolkenstein-gesellschaft

20 Informationen zu Sieglinde Hartmann


Profile Sieglinde Hartmann received her M.A. and Ph.D. at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Since 2003, she has been Honorary Professor of Medieval German Literature at the University of  Wuerzburg, Germany. http://www.mediaevistik.germanistik.uni-wuerz burg.de/mitarbeiter/hartmann_sieglinde/   A s a Germanist she mainly focuses on medieval German literature, especially Oswald von Wolkenstein (ca. 1376/77-1445), a widely travelled knight, considered to be the most important German composer and poet of the Late Middle Ages. Since Wolkenstein’s work is closely connected with the culture of the other European countries of his time, in her studies Hartmann has developed a special comparative approach combining methods from the fields of history, intellectual history, and art history to enrich, e.g., her textual analysis. Thus Hartmann’s new approach opens up paths to a con-textual understanding of Wolkenstein’s genius within other cultural phenomena of the ‘Waning Middle Ages’.   Since 2002, Hartmann has been a Member of the Programming Committee of the International Medieval Congress organized every year by the Institute for Medieval Studies at the University of Leeds, Great Britain. In that function Hartmann has considerably enlarged her historical framework, initiating interdisciplinary research on general topics such as the impact of the natural environment or myths on the Human Mind, thus covering the European culture of all periods and languages of the Middle Ages.   Sieglinde Hartmann has been visiting professor at the University of Graz (Austria), as well as lecturer at the Universities of Paris IV (Sorbonne - France), Mainz (Germany), Giessen (Germany), Kassel (Germany), and the J.W. Goethe-University in Frankfurt (Germany). She is the author of Altersdichtung und Selbstdarstellung bei Oswald von Wolkenstein - Die Lieder Klein 1 bis 7 im spätmittelalterlichen Kontext, Göppingen, 1980  [=G.A.G. 288]. In addition to having edited several volumes of collected papers, she has published numerous articles on German, French, Spanish, and Italian literature of the Middle Ages. Because of her deep involvement in research on Oswald von Wolkenstein, Sieglinde Hartmann is a founding member and the acting president of the Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft, as well as editor-in-chief of the Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft.   Memberships in Scientific Organisations   Since 2007 President of the Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main         http://www.wolkenstein-gesellschaft.com   2 007 President of the Board of the Fundacja dla wspierania nauki, Toruń, Poland   2005 Corresponding Member of the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Salzburg, Austria         http://www.sbg.ac.at/ger/samson/samsonziele.h tm   2002          Member of the Programming Committee, International Medieval Congress, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, Great Britain         http://www.leeds.ac.uk./imi/imc/imc.htm   2 000 Member of the Comitato Scientifico, ‚Studi Tergestini sul Medioevo’, Paola Schulze-Belli and Livia Zanmarchi de Savorgnani, editors, Trieste, Italy                                       
yasni 15.08.08  +  

Ungültige URL: JbOswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft 1, 1980/81-12, 2000

Walter RÖLL, Oswald von Wolkenstein: "Du armer mensch" ... Walter RÖLL, Jiddische Texte des späten Mittelalters und ihre Erforschung, in: ...
fordham.edu 15.08.08  +  

Ungültige URL: Jahrbuch Der Oswald Von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft

Holzbau Oswald - Tradition und Erfahrung im Einklang mit modernster Technik - präzise Auftragsabwicklung - höchste Qualität, Dachstuhl, Holzhaus, Aufstockung, Dachgeschoss ...
sbg.ac.at 15.08.08  +  

Genre und Gender: Die 'Gefangenschafts-' und 'Ehelieder' Oswalds von ...

an die Brixener Schulmeistertochter Anna Hausmann liegt ebenso im Bereich des ... verweise auf Anna Hausmann, die Oswald ...
diss.fu-berlin.de 15.08.08  +  

Jüngere Publikationen - Comments (RSS)

... in: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft, Bd. 13, 2001/2002, hg. von Sieglinde Hartmann und Ulrich Müller, Frankfurt a. M. 2002, S. 61-76 ...
user.phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de 15.08.08  +  

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