Signal Corps Person-Info 

( Ich bin Signal Corps)


(1 - 4 von 10
) Tagebuch 1945: Als der Krieg nach Deutschland kam, Teil 1 - DER...

Im Februar begannen amerikanische Truppen eine Großoffensive, die das Ende des Dritten Reiches bringen sollte. Mit dabei waren zwei Dutzend Kameraleute...

Four-Star Army Gen. Dennis Via Becomes Highest Ranking Signal Corps...
Gen. Dennis Via has acheived another milestone by becoming the highest ranking officer within the renowned Signal Corps.

US Army Signal Corps Leica - Leica Collectors & Historica - Leica...
The US Army used Leica`s from May up till the early 1970`s! I have personal records of IIIC K`s used by the Signal Corps till the late 1950`s

Qwika - Feldnachrichtentruppe
the field message forces of the German Federal Armed Forces . the field message forces developed from the former front Signal Corps. Since end of the cold war the ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Signal Corps
Waris Khan
Vorname "Signal" (9)
Name "Corps" (31)
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