Simon Britten Person-Info 

( Ich bin Simon Britten)


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The hoody habit | The › article
· SIMON BRITTEN, (Consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon), 25 Turlow Court, Leeds LS9 8PA. May 31. From Professor Emeritus Derek Brewer.

Go-ahead for 15 homes on Oswestry site | Shropshire Star
— Simon Britten. of Shropshire Trading Ltd, applied to create two and three bedroom family flats, a parking area and cycle storage. › g...

BBC News | Health | Abuse rife on mental health wards - claims survey
A BBC Bristol survey - the most extensive of its kind - shows that 49% of women psychiatric patients claim to have been …ually abuse in hospital.

City centre - or the middle of nowhere?
New housing in Britain’s big cities has succeeded in attracting affluent, young investors, but do those who live there like what they’ve found?
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