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Google News: 图文-登喜路林克斯赛次轮 足球巨星约翰-克鲁伊夫

[新浪网] - 芬兰球手米科-艾龙能(Mikko Ilonen,64杆)、苏格兰球手阿里斯泰-佛塞斯(Alastair Forsyth,64杆)以及两位英格兰球手西蒙-戴森(Simon Dyson,66杆)、罗斯-麦克高文(Ross

Scots duo sparkle at Dunhill to help raise home hopes
[Scotsman] - However, Marc Warren (-5), Alan McLean (-4) and Keir McNicoll (-4) are all in a decent position to give Ramsay and Forsyth some backing over the weekend.

Simon Cowell to star in a new TV show 'How Big is My Head'
[NewsBiscuit (satire)] - An insider revealed that plans for the programme to go out live had to be scrapped after the pilot show overran considerably when the guest, Jonathan Ross

All Blacks: History teaches harsh lesson for Donnelly
[New Zealand Herald] - That list includes Greg Rawlinson, Troy Flavell, James Ryan, Simon Maling, Angus Macdonald and Kevin O'Neill while none of Jason Eaton, Anthony Boric
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