Simone Di Giovanni Person-Info 

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News - | University Tübingen
Das berichtet ein internationales Forscherteam unter der Leitung von Professor Dr. Simone Di Giovanni vom Hertie-Institut für Klinische ...

E se Gesù ci chiedesse: mi ami tu?.....Seguimi! - Cattedrale di Reggio ...
Simone di Giovanni, mi ami? Sembra siano Quando ebbero mangiato, Gesù disse a Simon Pietro: 'Simone di Giovanni, mi ami tu più di costoro?: Gli rispose: ...

Study: Protein repairs brain nerve fiber -
Researchers in Tuebingen, Germany, said Thursday a common protein has been used to assist in the regeneration of brain nerve fiber in mice.

Spinal cord injury may respond to cancer drug - BBC News
A group of drugs being trialled for cancer could also be used to make nerves regrow and treat spinal cord injuries, a study in mice suggests.
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