Sisi Go Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sisi Go)


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That's no babe on a bike: It's Sisi! Egyptian leader bike pic goes...
A rare picture of former military chief and presidential candidate Abdel Fatteh Sisi on a bike in Egypt is covering social media websites.

El-Sisi snapped cycling in Cairo - Yahoo Maktoob News
"Go Sisi go! You make them [your opponents] jealous," Another wrote. "The Field Marshal is riding Egypt's production 'wheel'... We love you Sisi ...

Cheers leave .. Sisi in the face of the "spring" - Teller Report
... know how to get rid of it because the numbers of the Retuet is very huge and do not know what to do and if the criminal Sisi go and get rid.

El-Sisi snapped cycling in Cairo - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
Images of Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi donning a tracksuit while riding a bike and chatting with passersby go viral online
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Sisi Go
Vorname "Sisi" (146)
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