Social Save Childrenchange Trust World Person-Info 

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Fijian storytelling can save world, says UN | News | The Times
Once upon a time all the countries of the world tried to get together to save the planet from climate change. There was only one problem: they couldn't stop sn.

Ex-British double agent says Russian spies must save world – The ...
In this file photo taken in Nov. 15, 2006, George Blake, a former British spy and double agent in service of the Soviet Union, seen in Moscow, Russia. Blake, who turns 95 Saturday Nov. 11, said in a statement carried by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service that Russian spies now face a task of ...

Can lab meat feed — and save — the world? | The Japan Times
LONDON – With six Oscar nominations — including best picture and actor — “Darkest Hour” is fascinating audiences with its portrayal of Winston Churchill facing history-altering decisions at a turning point in World War II. In fact, Churchill had been thinking about the future of humanity in rather radical ways ...

'Justice League' Superheroes Save World, Miss Forecasts - Bloomberg
You can pretty much count on big-screen superheroes to save the planet. Beating box-office forecasts is another matter. Warner Bros.' new “Justice League” achieved its first objective, as expected, saving the world for future superhero movies. But the picture underperformed at the box office in North ...
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