Sohel Rana Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sohel Rana)


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Anjana on her silver-screen co-actors
[The Daily Star] - Sohel Rana is a good human being, who always tried giving his best, and helped co-workers do the same. I worked with Wasim when he was a superstar of the

Billig-Textilfabriken in Bangladesch: Die marode Nähstube der Welt -...
Während sie die Kleidung für europäische und US-amerikanische Modemarken nähen, bricht im April über Tausenden Arbeitern ein Haus zusammen. Über Bangladesh Factory Worker Discusses Horrible Working Conditions - DER...

A survivor of the recent factory building collapse in Bangladesh describes the day of the tragedy and the constant pressure to work faster under horrible...

Bangladesh coronavirus: 100,000 gather for funeral, defying lockdown...
... investigation into how such a large crowd was allowed to congregate, according to Sohel Rana, the Bangladesh Police Central spokesman.
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