Sonja Okun Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sonja Okun)


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Gespräch und Ausstellung über Sonja Okun in der Buchhandlung „Land in...
Sonja Okun, als Rosalie Okun in Minsk geboren, lebte ab in Hamburg und ab in Berlin. Als junge Frau lernte sie bedeutende Zeitgenossen wie Fritz

– Aiming to Change Attitudes on a Tight Budget | Juvenile Justice...
Transition programs work to keep court-involved youth out of trouble by connecting them to paid work, teaching them to manage stress and set goals. But...

Kurz und knapp - WELT
Kurz und knapp

Raise The Age | The New School News Releases
Daniel J. O'Donnell of The New York State Assembly, Sonja Okun, founder and former Executive Director of exalt and Vincent Warren, Executive Director of ...
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