Stefan Borsos Person-Info 

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ᐅ Stefan Borsos
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Press releases | Voith
“The name change enhances our role we have within the Voith Hydro Group since Our specific expertise in generators together with Voith Hydro's long-term experience in complete hydropower solutions is appreciated by our customers and successful both locally and globally”, says Stefan Borsos, CEO of Voith Hydro AB in Västerås.

cineasia filmfestival köln #1 japanorama
... fünfjähriger Entstehungszeit kam der Film in die Kinos und wurde zu einem der erfolgreichsten Underground-Filme in Japan überhaupt. (Stefan Borsos) ...

VG Power now operating as Voith Hydro AB - International Water Power
Voith Hydro has announced that its Swedish operating unit, formerly active on the market as VG Power AB, will now be trading under the name of Voith Hydro...
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