Stephan Baumanns Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stephan Baumanns)


(1 - 4 von 23
) Amoklauf in München: Die Stadt trauert, die Stadt gafft - DER SPIEGEL

Tag eins nach dem Amoklauf - und München steht noch immer still. Am Tatort trauern Menschen um die Toten, andere schießen Selfies. Am Wohnort des Schützen... Germany Searches for Answers After Recent Wave of Attacks - DER...

Following the attacks in Munich, Würzburg and Ansbach, many are asking how the violence can be stopped. There is an answer to this question, but will it be...

Munich gunman was 'obsessed with mass shootings' - Yahoo News
Stephan Baumanns, owner of the Treemans bakery and coffee shop below Sonboly's apartment, told The Guardian: "I saw him every once in a ...

Guardian: 'He seemed like a lazy guy': locals describe Munich shooter Ali...

Maxvorstadt residents give accounts of 18-year-old Iranian-German behind gun attack at Olympia shopping centre
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