Stephanie Wachtel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stephanie Wachtel)


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Jena: Studie mit Patienten belegt Einsatz von Hypnose im OP |...
Hypnose ist hilfreich bei chirurgischen Eingriffen. Nicht nur das persönliche Empfinden der Patienten spricht dafür, sondern auch finanzielle Effekte durch die...

Stephanie Wachtel Archives - Atlanta Jewish › topic › stepha...
Stephanie Wachtel. The first of Podber's new series of murals for Epstein features oversized flowers inspired by “. February 12, 2020, 1:13 pm. New Epstein ...

Design Studio Collection | Stephanie Wachtel
Worked with one other student in the class to come up with a collection. Started off with a focus of a part of a body and designing for that part ...

Year One | Stephanie Wachtel
Fall Collection. This Fall Collection was created with the use of muted colors that reflect that of our armed forces/army. Posted on: August 13,
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