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Entertainment on the State Fair's fre...
[Minneapolis Star Tribune] - During the day, Davina & the Vagabonds offer the perfect blend of vaudeville entertainment and bluesy musicality (11:30 am, 12:45 and 2:15 pm Sat.-next Sun.

Google News: What's Happening

[The Patriot Ledger] - BOSTON ATHENAEUM – Norma Jean Calderwood Gallery, 10 Beacon St., Boston. Through Aug. 28, Summer Installation, 2009, works from the collection.

The Big Gigs: Our critics' music picks
[Minneapolis Star Tribune] - Jason Aldean comes from Macon, Ga., home of Little Richard, Otis Redding, the Allman Brothers and Young Jeezy. Aldean is the eclectic music town's country

Electric truck maker to move to Stockton
[San Francisco Chronicle] - "California seems to have the lion's share of the technology and a pretty good infrastructure for these companies," said Paul Scott, vice president of the
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