Suat Bayram Person-Info 

( Ich bin Suat Bayram)


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Türk Kızılayı Derneği Faaliyetleri - Haberler
Türk Kızılayı Bayburt Şubesince merkeze bağlı Arpalı beldesinde, Suat Bayram adlı vatandaşa ev eşyası yardımı yapıldı.

Australian dead in Turkey earthquake identified as Suat ...The Australian
— Suat Bayram, 69, was staying in the town of Kırıkhan in Southern Turkey when the earthquake hit on Monday, according to Facebook posts by ...

Suat Bayram remembered as 'beautiful human'Herald Sun
— Tributes have poured in for an “amazing” Greenvale grandfather after it was confirmed he died in the devastating Turkey earthquake. Suat Bayram ...

Australian yet to be confirmed as among earthquake deadYahoo
— The death of another Australian woman, whose name has not been made public, and Melbourne grandfather Suat Bayram have been confirmed.
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