Sue Duke Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sue Duke)


(1 - 4 von 26

John Wayne's heirs sue Duke University for 'Duke' bourbon rights -...
A long-running dispute between the family members of John Wayne — a.k.a. Duke — and Duke University over the rights to the deceased star's nickname has hit the...

John Wayne heirs sue Duke University over nickname - BBC News
John Wayne's heirs take North Carolina's Duke University to court over the right to use the actor's nickname to market a line of bourbon.

Guardian: John Wayne's heirs duke it out with university over right to name...

John Wayne's heirs to sue Duke University in Northern Carolina over their attempts to scotch plans for branded bourbon, which are currently on ice

Mother hit by learner-driver daughter dies | Metro News
Mother Sue Duke who was left fighting for her life after being hit by a vehicle driven by her 17-year-old daughter Lauren has died in hospital.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Sue Duke
Person "Duke" (1)
Vorname "Sue" (3169)
Name "Duke" (1294)
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