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(1 - 4 von 18
) Cannes-Festival: Coppola, Almodóvar und Kaurismäki im Wettbewerb

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - Hochkarätige Besetzung beim diesjährigen Filmfestival in Cannes: Aki Kaurismäki, Pedro Almodóvar und Sofia Coppola präsentieren ihre neuen Filme im Wettbewerb. Ein deutscher Beitrag geht nicht ins Rennen um die Goldene Palme. Castel Gandolfo: History of the Summer Residence of the Pope -...

Pope Benedict has withdrawn to Castel Gandolfo while his successor is chosen. But few know that the papal summer residence of almost 400 years has a curious...

Some Chinese nationalists see justice for Summer Palace razing in...
Some Chinese nationalists see justice for Summer Palace razing in Notre Dame fire. By James Griffiths, CNN. Updated 2:49 AM ET, Wed April ...

Taj Mahal: Shah Jahan’s summer palace found near Taj | India News -...
India News: During excavation work carried out between and at Mehtab Bagh, the ASI had found remains of a huge octagonal tank furnished with
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Summer Palace
Vorname "Summer" (1575)
Name "Palace" (75)
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