Susan Berger Person-Info 

( Ich bin Susan Berger)


(1 - 4 von 33

50 Years of Kenyon Women: Susan Berger '85Kenyon College
The 36th alumna in the series is Susan Berger '85. Berger lives in Cleveland, where she is the chief external relations officer for Positive Education Program, ... Reaktionen auf "Anatomie einer Krise": Von "Shut up" bis "Großes Lob"...

SUSAN BERGER New York Vielleicht wird Ihr Hass auf uns eines Tages so unverständlich erscheinen wie der Ihrer Eltern gegenüber den Juden. MARK DEVON (USA) Read your

38 years later, burn victim reunites with nurse | CNN
Photos of Amanda Scarpinati when she was a baby with severe burns went viral, leading to a reunion between her and the nurse who cared for her.

‘Oh my God, you’re real!’: Woman burned as baby reunites 38 years...
Pictures of a nurse taking care of her tiny burn patient nearly 40 years ago have brought them back together through the power of social media.
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