Sylvia Paskin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sylvia Paskin)


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Guardian: The cloak of love | Books | The Guardian

Sylvia Paskin on the all-encompassing passions of the Turkish Chekhov.

Amorosa | BAMPFA
As Sylvia Paskin writes in Britain's Monthly Film Journal, "Agnes is frighteningly dislocated from her very first appearance.... Her relationships with other people ...

Guardian: Related stories | Related-content | The Guardian

Sylvia Paskin: The cloak of love). 4. Caryl Phillips on the enduring appeal of ER Braithwaite). 5. Labour of love). 6. › nov

Events Archive - Page 6 of Freud Museum London
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Shadow of the Parent. 27 July, 2021, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Artist Jane McAdam Freud with writer Sylvia Paskin. › list
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Sara Collins
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