Table Tennis Person-Info 

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Govt spending S$2.5m on sports satellite centres for youths
[Channel News Asia] - He hoped more Singaporeans will support local athletes, especially for football, table tennis and badminton. For more information on programmes offered at

Lunch-loving Pakistan TT team bring a different disgrace to country
[The Nation, Pakistan] - LAHORE – The Pakistan table tennis team participating in the World Team Table Tennis Championship in Moscow has brought a different kind of humiliation for

Gray's troops seventh
[Cambridge News] - by Mark Taylor Cambridge were unable to match last year's heights as they finished seventh in the JM Rose Bowl at Draycott Table Tennis Centre.

Google News: Table tennis: Japanese men, women secure medal at world team c'ships

[Kyodo News] - The Japanese men's team cruised past Hong Kong 3-0 in the quarterfinals to secure a medal for the second straight time at the world table tennis
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Table Tennis
Vorname "Table" (29)
Name "Tennis" (758)
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